class EppCommandLogout

This EppCommandLogout class implements EPP Command Logout entity.


Public Methods

[more] EppCommandLogout()
Creates an EppCommandLogout object
[more] EppCommandLogout( DOMString clientTransactionId )
Creates an EppCommandLogout object
[more] ~EppCommandLogout()
[more]virtual int getEntityType()
Returns the run-time type of an EppEntity object
[more]DOM_Element toXML( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString& tag )
Converts the EppCommandLogout object into an XML element
[more]static EppCommandLogout* fromXML( const DOM_Node& root )
Converts an XML element into an EppCommandLogout object.

Inherited from EppCommand:

Public Methods

oEppCreds* getCreds()
ovoid setCreds( EppCreds& creds )
oEppUnspec* getUnspec()
ovoid setUnspec( EppUnspec& unspec )
oDOMString getClientTransactionId()
ovoid setClientTransactionId( DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandCreate create( EppObject* object, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandCheck* check( int objectType, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandDelete* remove( int objectType, DOMString objectId, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandInfo* info( int objectType, DOMString objectId, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandUpdate* update( int objectType, DOMString objectId, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandTransfer* transfer( int objectType, DOMString objectId, DOMString xid )
ostatic EppCommandRenew* renew( int objectType, DOMString objectId, DOMString xid )

Protected Fields

oEppCreds* creds
oEppUnspec* unspec
oDOMString clTRID

Protected Methods

oDOM_Element toXMLCommon( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString command, DOM_Element& element )
oDOM_Element toXMLCommon( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString command, DOM_Element& element, ValueVectorOf<DOM_Attr>* attrList )
oDOM_Element toXMLCommon( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString command, EppEntity* object )
oDOM_Element toXMLCommon( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString command, DOM_Element& element, EppEntity* object, const DOMString tag, ValueVectorOf<DOM_Attr>* attrList )

Inherited from EppEntity:

Public Methods

obool instanceOf( const int type )
ovirtual DOMString toString()

Protected Methods

oDOMString toString( const DOMString &tag )


This EppCommandLogout class implements EPP Command Logout entity.

o EppCommandLogout()
Creates an EppCommandLogout object

o EppCommandLogout( DOMString clientTransactionId )
Creates an EppCommandLogout object

clientTransactionId - client transaction id associated with the command

o ~EppCommandLogout()

ovirtual int getEntityType()
Returns the run-time type of an EppEntity object

oDOM_Element toXML( DOM_Document& doc, const DOMString& tag )
Converts the EppCommandLogout object into an XML element

doc - the XML DOM_Element object
tag - the tag/element name for the EppCommandLogout object
an DOM_Element object

ostatic EppCommandLogout* fromXML( const DOM_Node& root )
Converts an XML element into an EppCommandLogout object. The caller of this method must make sure that the root node is of an EPP Command Create entity.

root - root node for an EppCommandLogout object in XML format
an EppCommandLogout object, or null if the node is invalid

This class has no child classes.
Ning Zhang
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2001/11/05 20:20:36 $

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